
CMU and UNDP conducted trainings of CBO staff on the National HIV/AIDS Management Information System in Karachi and Lahore in December 2023.

In a collaborative effort, the Common Management Unit  and UNDP Pakistan organized a targeted training program for newly formed Community-Based Organizations’ (CBO) staff on the National HIV/AIDS Management Information System in both Lahore and Karachi, spanning from December 18th to 22nd, 2023. 

The sessions, skillfully conducted by the MIS Manager and MIS Officer, delved into the intricacies of the system, ensuring a thorough understanding for the participants. The training not only encompassed in-depth theoretical sessions but also facilitated engaging Q&A sessions, fostering a dynamic learning environment. This initiative aimed to enhance the proficiency of CBO staff in effectively utilizing the Information System.


National Coordinator CMU, Dr Razia Fatima, chaired the internal meeting with CMU staff on the PSCM and Warehouse related activities.

Dr. Razia Fatima, the National Coordinator at CMU, recently led an internal meeting encompassing CMU staff. The focus of the discussion centered on PSCM and Warehouse activities concerning AIDS, TB, and malaria. This collaborative effort ensures streamlined coordination for effective disease management and control measures.


Dr. Razia Fatima, NC CMU, visited Punjab Public Health Reference Lab in Punjab HIV/AIDs Control Program

Dr. Razia Fatima, National Coordinator at CMU, undertook a significant visit to the Punjab Public Health Reference Lab within the Punjab HIV/AIDS Control Program. This visit reflects a commitment to strengthening healthcare initiatives and fostering collaboration between CMU and key healthcare institutions for enhanced HIV/AIDS control and management in the region.


Dr. Razia Fatima, National Coordinator CMU & Dr. Abdul Wali Khan, DNC TB with Provincial Secretary Primary and Secondary Health, Mr Ali Jan, and Provincial Program Manager Punjab.

Dr. Razia Fatima, National Coordinator CMU & Dr. Abdul Wali Khan, DNC TB with Provincial Secretary Primary and Secondary Health, Mr Ali Jan, and Provincial Program Manager Punjab in Lahore on 15th December 2023.


High level briefing of National Coordinator CMU, Dr Razia Fatima, with Federal secretary health MoNHSRC and Director General Health rGLC mission staff and CMU colleagues.

High level briefing of National Coordinator CMU, Dr Razia Fatima, with Federal Secretary Health MoNHSRC and Director General Health rGLC mission staff and CMU colleagues on 13th December 2023. Senior colleagues such as DNC TB and MDR Speacilist were also present.


National Coordinator CMU chaired the Monthly Coordination meeting between CMU, MC nad HISP for updates on DHIS2 Case based TB Tracker under BMGF.

Dr. Razia Fatima, NC CMU chaired the monthly progress & coordination meeting with HISP/MC regarding implementation of TB case base (DHIS2) . Dr. Abdul Wali Khan DNC TB was also present


DNC TB, Dr Abdul Wali Khan, conducted extensive visits to health facilities in Punjab for monitoring purposes.

Deputy National Manager of Pakistan, Dr. Abdul Wali Khan, along with Dr. Asif Shahwani, PTP Manager Balochistan, Deputy Manager Dr. Sherfgan Raisani, Dr. Bahawal SPPO, and other officials recently visited BMC Hospital. The visit included discussions with MS Dr. Kamalan Guchki on the TB program and the installation of the COBAS machine provided through the National TB Program. The delegation also visited Nawab Ghous Bakhsh Hospital in Mastung, acknowledging the efforts of DHO Dr. Rasheed M. Shahi and the hospital administration in TB interventions. Dr. Abdul Wali Khan also appreciated the monitoring efforts, including visits to Dots Centers and Genexpert sites, as well as overseeing oxygen plants for optimal functionality.


National Coordinator CMU and DNC HIV attended the two-day orientation session for National Prevention of Parent-to-Child Transmission (PPTCT)

The Ministry of National Health Services Regulation & Coordination (M/o NHSR&C) and the National AIDS control program (NACP-CMU), in collaboration with UNICEF and UNAIDS, organized a two-day orientation session for National Prevention of Parent-to-Child Transmission (PPTCT). The objective was to orient participants, including clinical and program managers with public health backgrounds, on key aspects of PPTCT and pediatric HIV management.
With support from the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis, and Malaria (GFATM) and partners, the Government of Pakistan has expanded the number of Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) centers to 75 nationwide, enhancing geographic accessibility. However, the current challenge lies in the insufficient number of functional PPTCT sites (12) and Pediatric ART centers (20). To address this gap, there is an urgent need to strengthen existing PPTCT sites and establish new ones under a unified, one-stop-shop model. UNICEF Pakistan #UNAIDS Common Management Unit, Ministry of Health Pakistan

Dr. Razia Fatima, NC CMU, graced the occasion of the PR-SR Coordination Meeting

National Coordinator, Dr Razia Fatima, addressed the audience at the PR-SR Coordination Meeting on 6th December 2023 in December.


Embracing Unity: World AIDS Day 2023 in Pakistan

December 1st marks World AIDS Day, a day dedicated to raising awareness, commemorating those we’ve lost, and rallying support for those affected by HIV/AIDS. 

On 1st December 2023, Pakistan witnessed a powerful and impactful event orchestrated by UN agencies, in collaboration with the Common Management Unit for the Global Fund (AIDS, TB & Malaria). This significant program unfolded within the artistic embrace of the Pakistan National Council of Arts.

A Gathering of Influential Minds

The venue was not just a backdrop; it was a symbol of the intersection between art, culture, and the ongoing fight against HIV/AIDS. The event drew together influential personalities from the Government of Pakistan, United Nations (UN), World Health Organization (WHO), and diverse communities. Their collective presence underscored the commitment to tackle the challenges posed by this global health issue collaboratively. 

Federal Health Minister, Dr. Nadeem Jan, said that the Government of Pakistan is firmly committed to eradicating the AIDS epidemic by 2030, aligning with the global HIV milestones. It is crucial to address healthcare & societal imbalances to ensure that no one is marginalized or left behind.

Speaking on the occasion, Iftikhar Ali Shallwani, Federal Secretary of Health, said “The world can end AIDS, with communities leading the way. Communities living with, at risk of, or affected by HIV have a greater role to play & need to join the frontline forces to halt the upward trend of the HIV epidemic.”
“We all need to join hands and connect for providing person-centered public health services, build trust, innovate, monitor implementation of policies & services, and hold providers accountable.” – Iftikhar Ali Shallwani, Federal Secretary of Health, while addressing on the occasion of World Aids Day.

Dr Razia Fatima, National Coordinator CMU, emphasized on the collaboration of all partners for to eradicate the disease.

Advocacy in Action

The program comprised panel discussions and presentations that delved into the intricacies of HIV/AIDS, shedding light on the latest developments, challenges, and strides made in the ongoing battle against the disease. The theme for World AIDS Day 2023, ‘Let Communities Lead,’ echoed throughout the discussions, emphasizing the critical role communities play in spearheading efforts to combat the disease.

Voices of Resilience

One of the focal points of the event was the empowerment of those living with HIV/AIDS. The program championed the idea that individuals with firsthand experience of the disease should take the lead in eradicating stigma. By sharing personal stories, challenges, and triumphs, these brave individuals became the architects of change, breaking down barriers and fostering understanding.

Collaborative Commitment

The collaboration between government bodies, international organizations, and grassroots communities highlighted the urgency of a united front in the battle against HIV/AIDS. The Common Management Unit for the Global Fund played a pivotal role, emphasizing the necessity of coordinated efforts to combat not only AIDS but also tuberculosis and malaria.

Community Engagement

This year’s theme, ‘Let Communities Lead,’ came to life through the active participation of organizations working directly with the community. Stalls adorned with information and resources from organizations like Dareecha showcased the impactful work being done at the grassroots level. These organizations exemplify the spirit of community-led initiatives and their indispensable role in the fight against HIV/AIDS.

In a poignant play staged by the transgender community from Dareecha, the script artfully illuminated the everyday challenges faced by its members, providing a raw and unfiltered glimpse into their lives. The performance courageously portrayed the slow journey towards acceptance, urging the audience to empathize with the struggles often hidden from the spotlight. Through powerful storytelling, the play served as a heartfelt testament to resilience, fostering a deeper understanding of the transgender community’s quest for acknowledgment and equality.

A Call to Action

As we reflect on the events of World AIDS Day 2023 in Pakistan, the call to action reverberates. Beyond the discussions and presentations, there lies a shared responsibility to advocate for education, prevention, and support for those affected by HIV/AIDS. The day served as a reminder that the fight against this global health challenge is ongoing and requires continued dedication from individuals, communities, and nations.

In the spirit of unity, let us carry the momentum forward, breaking down barriers, dispelling myths, and supporting those affected by HIV/AIDS. World AIDS Day may be a designated day of reflection, but the commitment to change and progress is a year-round endeavor.