Deputy National Coordinator - TB

Dr Abdul Wali Khan

Dr Abdul Wali Khan joins Common Unit to Manage AIDS/TB/Malaria in the Ministry of National Health Services, Regulations & Coordination (NHSRC), Government of Pakistan. Dr Khan is a medical Doctor by profession. He has done his MBBS from Ayub Medical College, Abbottabad in 2003 and later MS in Public Health (MSPH) from Health Services Academy Islamabad in 2010. Dr Khan also holds PhD degree in Public Health with distinction from Medical University of Vienna, Austria. He also completed Post-graduate Certificate Course in One Health (PGC-OH) from Duke University, North Carolina USA.

Dr Khan brings more than 20 years of experience in the field of Public Health and held number of important positions including Deputy Director Programs, communicable diseases, neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) and International Health Regulations (IHR) in M/o NHSRC. Dr Khan started his career in 2004-5 from Incharge Medical Officer of Basic Health Unit (BHU) Jhungal Tehsil Gujar Khan, District Rawalpindi. In 2005, he joined Federal Govt. Polyclinic Islamabad. He also remained first administrator (incharge administrative and financial matters) in 2020 of Isolation Hospital and Infections Treatment Center (IHITC) Islamabad. Previously from 2021-2022, he also worked as the Deputy National Coordinator at the National TB Control Program. During the tenure, Dr Khan represented NTP Pakistan in various international forums and conferences. His recent assignment was Deputy Executive Director (Administration, HMIS and Academics) at Federal Government Polyclinic, Islamabad

Dr Khan has been dealing public health matters with parliamentarians on behalf of M/o NHSRC. He dealt the matters pertaining to SAARC on public health matters especially SAARC Development Project (SDF) to upgrade health facilities (EMONC) in ICT. Dr Khan has great experience of planning and managing Health staff at Federal Government Polyclinic, Islamabad. He has vast experience in research and has so far published more than 30 original research papers in leading journals. He has attended numerous workshops in various countries and is currently reviewer of more than 6 international journals.

Dr Khan is true believer of team work with a very positive approach towards the challenges encountered during the course of project implementation. With the support of provinces and the partners, Dr Khan resolves to accelerate the fight against TB in Pakistan.